Can Blossom Finance accept non-accredited investors from the USA?

Do I need to be accredited to invest with Blossom? Non-accredited investor information?

Can I invest with Blossom Finance if I am not accredited?

In short, as a non-accredited investor you CAN invest with Blossom. There are some additional filing requirements if your investment exceeds $10,000.

What additional requirements accompany investing with Blossom Finance as a non-accredited investor?

Recently, we've established an Indonesian-based regulated financial entity. Our understanding is that non-accredited investors legally can invest via this structure without an issue. If the investment exceeds $10,000, filing of an IRS FBAR is required. If the investment exceeds additional limits, filing of IRS Form 8938 is required. Regarding accredited investor status, we currently rely on investors self-certification that they are accredited.

Does Blossom Finance verify accredited investor status?

No, if you sign up and use the service, we will assume you are an accredited investor. At this time we don't perform verification to verify this status.

If you have any additional questions related to either this information, or anything else within the Blossom Finance Investment platform, please contact us via email at [email protected] or via the Chatbox feature found at the bottom of this page.
