Do you offer shariah advice?

Is my non-blossom investment halal? I am considering an investment in 'X', is this shariah compliant? Who can I ask about Islamic financial questions that are not relevant to Blossom?

Blossom is unable to comment on any investment or financing terms outside the Blossom platform. We are neither able to provide legal nor shariah opinion on such matters via email or our Chatbox. 
We recommend you engage a qualified shariah scholar on such matters who can assess your questions about shariah permissibility.

We do have a shariah advisor available to help with evaluating investment opportunities and ensuring their shariah compliance.
His fee is $50 for a 1 hour consultation, in which he can provide you with an overview of shariah compliance issues (if any) of the proposed investment as well as a list of items that require further investigation (if any). 

His name is Mufti Muhammad Abu Bakar, and he is the author of our "Essentials of Islamic Finance" Learning Series found Here

Mufti Muhammad Abu Bakar can be reached at [email protected]

May Allah swt reward you for your sincere intention to purify your wealth. Please remember Blossom Finance in your prayers.
